Monday 9 July 2018

Staying confidential may lead your Legal Matter

legal matters to handle

The trend of using social media is reducing the privacy. Our addiction to social media leaves no space for privacy and confidentiality. Sometimes it seems to be tough for having the personal information.
Do you remember when was the last time you heard the word “it’s personal”?
Our continued culture is giving a very little space to authentic privacy and confidentiality. But, when it’s about your legal matter, the privacy and confidentiality both becomes very important. Staying confidential always boost up your case.
You can safeguard your personal information, privacy and confidentiality by considering these tips when you are involved in any legal matter. 

    Don’t provide any written authority
By giving any written authority, you’ll provide them with the right to have your information from any source. Don’t provide any written authorizations to any company or person except your attorney. Nowadays it is very common that people have their clients sign approval and they misuse them by having their information related to any insurance, law firms. Your approved authority may give the records to opposing attorneys without asking anything to the client’s legal representative.

    Stay Quiet
Being quiet is beneficial for your legal matter. Don’t talk about anything related to your case, evidence, witnesses and any other thing. You can discuss your issues related to the case with your attorney. Try to stay calm and quiet as your words can help your enemy to take the lead in the case. So staying quiet is the best option.

    Don’t share confidential documents
Don’t email any of your sensitive documents to anyone unless they’re password protected or encrypted so that only your trusted recipient can open and print them. This goes for your confidential legal document or any health care records.

    Don’t provide personal identifying information
Never share your personal identifying information, date of birth, or social security to anyone except your attorney. It is commonly asked by every insurance and litigation company, as well as their attorney also needs this information. So whenever you are asked to share your identifying information, your answer should be “no”.

    Avoid sharing your information on social media
Try to avoid any possible mention of your case or even the overall matter related to your case on social media. Your shared information may help your opposing lawyers as such references provide free investigative material to your opposing attorneys and insurance companies.

Attorneys should protect their client’s information with the full carefulness. The probate attorney San Bernardino take extreme care of our client’s information and re-check security on multiple levels. Staying confidential about your case is our work and first choice. As protecting our client's privacy is our first priority.

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